The mission of the Care and Concerns committee is to care for and serve those people in our school who have special needs at any given time. These needs may include births, deaths, hospitalization, illness or any other unforeseen situations where we may show our love for others. We offer this help to our school families as a loving extension of God and his care for us. The committee organizes assistance such as meals, carpools, playdates and prayers.
At SMCS we are united by our belief in good education and our faith. Our faith calls us to be a good neighbor.
Cares and Concerns is a committee whose mission is to care for and serve those people in our school who have special needs at any given time. These needs may include births, deaths, hospitalization, illness, or any other unforeseen situations where we may show our love for others. We offer these services as a loving extension of God and his care for us.
Please contact us with your cares and concerns. We aim to tailor our help to your particular needs. Here are some of the things we hope to be able to organize for you:
Play Dates
Please contact the PLUS Chairperson ( to engage this committee.
MATTHEW 25:35-36
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me."